Gondwana University and Other Exam News

Last updated on February 21st, 2023 at 03:34 pm

Agniveer Vayu Syllabus and Exam Pattern. The Indian Agniveer Vayu Syllabus and Exam Pattern will be posted on the official website shortly. All interested and eligible candidates must review the Indian Vayu Agneepath Syllabus before preparing for the written exam. The syllabus and exam pattern for the Indian Agniveer Vayu Recruitment includes a marking scheme and essential topics covered in the written exam.

Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Syllabus

The Indian Air Force has issued an official notice to recruit Agniveers under the Agneepath Scheme. The exam dates will be announced shortly. Students should begin preparing for the written examination until then. The written examination syllabus is broken down by subject.

EnglishWord Formation (nouns from verbs, adjectives, etc.)PrepositionDeterminersNoun & PronounConjunctionAdverbModalsClauses (noun, adverb & relative clauses)Subject-verb concordVerb formation and error in their useSentence transformation (simple, negative, compound, complex, etc.)One-word substitutionSynonymsAntonymsSpelling errorsIdioms and phrases
Mathematics3-Dimensional geometryApplication of derivativesApplication of integralsBinomial TheoremCartesian system of rectangular coordinatesCircles and family of circlesComplex numbersConic sectionsDefinite and Indefinite integralsDifferential equationsDifferentiationLimit and continuityLinear EquationsLinear programmingMathematical inductionMathematical reasoningMatrices and DeterminantsPermutation and CombinationProbabilityQuadratic equationsSequence and seriesSets, relations, and functionsStatisticsStraight lines and family of linesTrigonometryTrigonometric functionsVector
ReasoningDistance and DirectionNumber SimplificationArea of triangle, square, and rectangle coming and DecodingAnalogy & Odd one our blood relations number Puzzle and codingNon-verbal reasoningPercentageInserting correct mathematical signFractions & ProbabilityAssigning artificial values to mathematical digitAverageRatio & ProportionSimple TrigonometryTime, Speed, and DistanceDictionary words profit and loss number SeriesMathematical Operations & Mutual relation problemYoungest, tallest relation-based questions time sequence, Number and RankingCone, cylinder, cuboid, and sphere volume and surface area
General AwarenessCurrent AffairsGeneral ScienceGeographyHistoryBasic Computer OperationsCivics
PhysicsLaws of emotion communication SystemTrigonometric & Inverse Trigonometric functionsSets, relations, and functions electronic devicesOpticsSequence and seriesKinematicsWaves and OscillationsPhysical-world and measurements perfect gas behaviour and kinetic theory of gases & Atoms and NucleiBulk matter propertiesMagnetism and Magnetic effects of current radiation and Dual nature of matter electromagnetic WavesStraight lines and family of linesVectorWork, Power, and EnergyElectromagnetic induction and Alternating current electrostatic & Current ElectricityThe motion of a particle system and a rigid bodyThermodynamicsGravitation & StatisticsLaws of emotion communication SystemTrigonometric & Inverse Trigonometric functionsSets, relations, and functions electronic devicesOpticsSequence and seriesKinematicsWaves and OscillationsPhysical-world and measurements perfect gas behavior and the kinetic theory of gases & Atoms and NucleiBulk matter propertiesMagnetism and Magnetic effects of current radiation and Dual nature of matter electromagnetic WavesStraight lines and family of linesVectorWork, Power, and EnergyElectromagnetic induction and Alternating current electrostatic & Current ElectricityThe motion of a system of particles and rigid bodyThermodynamicsGravitation & Statistics
Name of the GroupSubjectsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksExam Duration
Airmen ScienceEnglish207060 minutes
Airmen Other than ScienceReasoning & General Awareness305045 minutes
Airmen Science & Other than ScienceMathematics2510085 minutes
Reasoning & General Awareness30

Marking Pattern for Online Test:

(a) One point for each correct answer

(b) No points for unattempted questions.

(c) For each incorrect answer, 0.25 points will be deducted.

  • Subjects in Science The online test will last 60 minutes and will cover English, Physics, and Mathematics from the CBSE 10+2 syllabus.
  • Subjects Other Than Science The online test will last 45 minutes and will include English from the CBSE 10+2 syllabus as well as Reasoning and General Awareness (RAGA).
  • Science Subjects and Non-Science Subjects The online test will last 85 minutes and cover English, Physics, and Mathematics from the CBSE 10+2 syllabus and Reasoning and General Awareness (RAGA).

Also, Check Indian Navy Agniveer Syllabus, and Exam Pattern.

Agniveer Vayu Syllabus and Exam Pattern – FAQs

What are the topics covered in the Air Force Agniveer English Syllabus?

Ans. The detailed topics of the Air Force Agniveer English Syllabus are given in the article above.

What topics are covered in the Air Force Agniveer General Awareness Syllabus?

Ans. General Awareness covers a wide range of topics, including current events. The complete Air Force Agniveer syllabus is available in the article linked above.

Is there any mark deduction for unanswered questions?

No, there are no marks deducted for unanswered questions.

What is the total duration of the Airmen Science exam?

60 min will be the total duration of the exam.

How many points are there for correct marks?

Each correct answer will be worth one mark.

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