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Last updated on February 13th, 2023 at 06:16 pm

The father of Indian ecology is Ramdeo Misra. Ecology and environmental science focus on extending the natural environment as well as different biological, geological, physicochemical, zoological, and atmospheric laws. Professor Ramdeo Misra laid the groundwork for ecological and environmental research in the country. He was known as the “father of Indian Ecology” by foreign ecologists.

Ramdeo Misra

The father of Indian ecology is regarded as Ramdeo Misra. In the field of ecology, he has made some of the most outstanding contributions. Ramdeo Misra, who was born on August 26th, 1908, received his Ph.D. in ecology from professor W.H. Peasall, FRS, in 1937. He received his Ph.D. from Leeds University in the UK. At the Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi, he was the one who first began to teach ecology and conduct research in the field. Tropical communities and their subsequent successions were the subjects of some of his best studies. environmental reactions of different living things to tropical forests and grassland habitats.

Ramdeo Misra – Career, and Awards & Achievements

Ramdeo Misra proceeded to establish ecology teaching and research in the Department of Botany at the Banaras Hindu University after receiving his Ph.D. in ecology (1937). Under his direction, this Department earned recognition on a global scale for its work on the ecology of tropical habitats (forests, grasslands, ponds, lakes, etc.). His studies lay the groundwork for knowledge of tropical communities and their succession, how plant populations respond to the environment, and how productivity and nutrient cycling affect tropical grasslands and forests.

The first postgraduate course in ecology was created in India by Ramdeo Misra. He received the coveted Sanjay Gandhi Award in Environment and Ecology as well as fellowships from the World Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Indian National Science Academy.

Awards & Achievements-

His efforts led to the foundation of the National Committee for Environmental Planning and Coordination by the Indian government in 1972, which later opened the door for the creation of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (1984). In order to address ecological problems in the tropics, Professor Mishra formed the International Society for Tropical Ecology, which has its home at BHU.

Misra had developed novel techniques for measuring soil redox potential and had determined the importance of this property for plant responses along a soil-moisture gradient. In light of India’s tropical vegetation, he created a theory of body biomass build-up, established ecotypic differentiation, and addressed synecological and ecosystem theories. studied social values, ecology, and environmental education.

Misra received the Birbal Sahni Gold Medal in 1967, the Jawaharlal Nehru Gold Medal from the Madhya Pradesh Vigyan Academy in 1974, the International Society for Tropical Ecology Bronze Medal in 1979, the Sanjay Gandhi Award for Environment and Ecology from the Government of India in 1984, the Professor TS Sadasivan Endowment Lecture from the International Society for Tropical Ecology in 1984, and the Swami Pranavanand Saraswati Award from the United (1986). He presented the Platinum Jubilee Lecture Indian Science Congress and the Malaviya Memorial Foundation Lecture (BHU) in 1986. (1991). 

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Ramdeo Misra as Father of Indian Ecology

Ramdeo Misra (1908–1998) is regarded as the “Father of Indian Ecology” due to his outstanding contributions to the study of ecology in comparison to his contemporaries with regard to the Indian setting. Ecology is the study of how living things (plants, animals, and microbes) interact with one another and with their abiotic environment (temperature, water, air, soil, light, and so forth). R Misra was the one who established a solid foundation for ecology in India. He did not stop there; he also made significant contributions to furthering the field’s growth and enabling it to evolve steadily throughout the following decades. In traditional Indian departments, he played an important role in establishing ecology as a critical field of study and research. Because of his contributions to the advancement of the science of ecology among his contemporaries in connection to the circumstances that prevailed in India at the time, Ramdeo Misra (1908–1998) is considered the father of ecology in India.

  • In India, Ramdeo Misra laid a solid foundation for ecology.
  • In some ways, he helped establish ecology as a serious subject for both research and teaching in India’s traditional departments.
  • Professor Ramdeo Misra earned a Ph.D. in environmental science from the University of Leeds in 1937.
  • After that, he was hired by the Botany Department at Banaras Hindu University, where he did excellent environmental science work.

FAQs on Father of Indian Ecology

Who in India is regarded as the father of ecology?

The nation’s ecology and environmental science were founded by Ramdeo Misra. Numerous ecologists around the world referred to him as the “father of Indian ecology.”

What makes Ramdeo Misra the father of Indian ecology?

Because of his contributions to the advancement of ecology among his contemporaries in connection to the circumstances that prevailed in India at the time, Ramdeo Misra (1908–1998) is revered as the father of ecology in India.

Where in India did Ramdeo Mishra begin his ecological research?

Ramdeo Misra studied under Professor W.H. Peasall, FRS, at Leeds University in the United Kingdom and received his PhD in Ecology in 1937. At the Department of Botany at the Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi, he began studying and researching ecology.

What kind of fellowship did Ramdeo Misra receive?

He was a member of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, the International Society for Tropical Ecology, the National Institute of Ecology, the National Academy of Sciences (India), Allahabad, and the Indian Botanical Society, where he served as president in 1959. (President, 1971-75).

What are some of the books written by Ramdeo Misra ?

More than a hundred original research papers and books on ecology and the environment have been written by Professor Misra.

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