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The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) conducts an exam for Assistant and has released notification for this year. In this article, aspirants will get complete details regarding this cut off of FSSAI recruitment and many more relevant details. According to the official notification a total of 33 vacancies have been announced for the assistant post in the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. The FSSAI Food Analyst Cut Off Marks 2021 will be decided by the organization board and also officially released on the website. Aspirants who secured marks more than cut off marks will be moved to the next round of Interviews. The cut off marks are the minimum marks the aspirants have to score in the examination to be shortlisted for the next rounds in the selection process. Aspirants also check the previous year cut off marks which helps them to analyze the level of difficulty of the question paper. Cut off marks of the FSSAI Assistant depend on several factors like:

  • The cutoff is based on the number of vacancies, applicants and the difficulty of the question paper, etc.
  •  Aspirants also analyze the previous year cut off marks or the expected cut off marks which is beneficial for aspirants.
Category Cut Off Marks

How to Check FSSAI Assistant Cut Off 2022?

Applicants can check their FSSAI Assistant examination cut-off marks can follow the way mentioned below:

Step 1: Visit the sanctioned website of the FSSAIwww.fssai.gov.in.

Step 2: On the right side of the homepage aspirants can see the search icon.

Step 3: Click on the search icon and search for “results” 

Step 4:  Then find the link of the result of the exam FSSAI Assistant.

Step 5: Tap on the link to open the results in PDF format. The cut off marks will be shown along with the results and then click on the given download button to download the results. 

Check FSSAI Assistant salary here.

How to Calculate Marks for FSSAI Assistant Examination?

Applicants who appeared for the FSSAI Assistant examination can mention to the answer crucial published on the sanctioned website to calculate their marks. The answer key will be released on the official website  of FSSAI after the examination. Applicants can also use the below- marking scheme to calculate their CBT marks

  • For every correct answer, 4 marks will be awarded.
  • For every incorrect answer, 1 mark will be subtracted

After matching all the answers with the answer key, aspirants get the total marks to get total for the FSSAI Assistant examination. 

Check FSSAI Assistant eligibility criteria here.

Factors Affecting the FSSAI Assistant Cut Off 2022

The FSSAI Assistant cut off changes every time grounded on several factors. Some of the various factors that affect the cut off are given below:

  • A number of vacancies: The vacancies for the FSSAI Assistant post-play an important role in the determination of the cut off marks. The more vacancies the lower the cut-off and the fewer the vacancies the higher the cut off. 
  • Number of Applicants: The number of applicants appearing for the FSSAI Assistant exam also affects the cut-off. As more number of applicants results in a higher competition and therefore a higher cut off as well. On the other hand, a lower number of applicants results in a lesser cut-off. 
  • The difficulty of the Paper: The difficulty of the paper will affect the aspirant’s performance and therefore it affects the cut-off marks every year. 

Check FSSAI Assistant books here.

FAQs for FSSAI Assistant Cut Off 2022

Is the cut-off marks the same for all the categories?

No, the cut-off marks are different according to the aspirant’s category

Where can I check the FSSAI Assistant Cut Off?

Aspirants who have appeared for the FSSAI Assistant exam can check the cut-off marks for the examination on the official website or the link will be uploaded here after the official declaration.

Is Aspirants able to download the FSSAI Assistant cut off?

Yes, aspirants can visit the official website to view and download the cut off for the FSSAI Assistant examination.

What is the factor affecting the cut-off FSSAI Assistant?

The FSSAI Assistant cut off changes every year based on several factors. Some of the major factors that affect the cut off are given below:
A number of vacancies: The vacancies for the FSSAI Assistant post-play an important role in the determination of the cut off marks. The further vacuities the lower the cut-off and the smaller the vacuities the advanced the cut off.
Number of Aspirants: The number of aspirants appearing for the FSSAI Assistant exam also affects the cut-off. As more number of applicants results in a higher competition and therefore a higher cut off as well. On the other hand, a lower number of applicants results in a lesser cut-off. 
The difficulty of the Paper: The difficulty of the paper will affect the aspirant’s performance and therefore it affects the cut-off marks every year.

Is there any marks that will be deducted for the unanswered question?

No, there are no marks that will be deducted for the unanswered question.

How to calculate marks for FSSAI Assistant Examination?

Applicants who appeared for the FSSAI Assistant examination can relate to the answer crucial published on the sanctioned website to calculate their marks.  The answer key will be released on the official website of FSSAI after the examination. Applicants can also use the below-marking scheme to calculate their CBT marks
For every correct answer, 4 marks will be rewarded. 
For every incorrect answer, 1 mark will be subtracted
There are no marks that will be deducted for the unanswered question. 
After matching all the answers with the answer key, aspirants get the total marks to get total for the FSSAI Assistant examination.