Gondwana University

National Panchayati Raj Day Theme 2023: Check the Information Here!

National Panchayati Raj Day Theme 2023

National Panchayati Raj Day is an annual celebration in India honouring the role of Panchayati Raj institutions in rural development and governance. Every year on April 24, this day is observed to commemorate the passage of the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act in 1992, which recognized Panchayats as India’s third tier of government. The National Panchayati Raj Day Theme 2023 will empower rural communities by giving them a voice in decision-making and resources to address their needs and improve their lives. The National Panchayati Raj Day is an opportunity to recognize the dedication and hard work of Panchayat members who tirelessly promote social and economic progress in rural areas.

National Panchayati Raj Day Theme 2023: Dates

EventNational Panchayati Raj Day 2023
National Panchayati Raj Day 2023 Date24th April 2023
National Panchayati Raj Day Theme 2023Not declared yet.

National Panchayati Raj Day Theme 2023: Significance

National Panchayati Raj Day is significant because it recognizes the critical role that Panchayats play in the development and governance of rural communities in India. The Panchayati Raj system empowers local communities by giving them a voice in decision-making and resources to address their needs and improve their lives. The day honours the dedication and hard work of Panchayat members who work tirelessly to promote social and economic progress in rural areas.

Check out the World Tuberculosis Day theme 2023 Here!

National Panchayati Raj Day Theme 2023: SVAMITVA Scheme

The SVAMITVA Scheme is an Indian government initiative associated with National Panchayati Raj Day. The Scheme, which stands for “Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas,” aims to give rural households ownership rights and improve the overall development of rural communities. The Ministry of Panchayati Raj and Rural Development launched the scheme in 2020 as part of the government’s efforts to promote sustainable rural development in India.

The SVAMITVA Scheme uses technology to survey and map rural areas and provide property ownership certificates to rural households. This provides a sense of ownership and security to rural households while opening up new avenues for economic and social development, such as access to credit and other government benefits.

The SVAMITVA Scheme’s implementation is inextricably linked to the Panchayati Raj system, as it provides Panchayats with the resources and information they need to carry out their duties effectively. The scheme also allows Panchayats to play a more active role in community development by driving infrastructure, housing, and economic development progress.

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National Panchayati Raj Day Theme 2023: Facts

National Panchayati Raj Day Theme 2023: History

The origins of National Panchayati Raj Day can be traced back to efforts in India to empower rural communities and give them a stronger voice in decision-making. Panchayati Raj, India’s traditional village council system, has a long history from ancient times. Panchayats were officially recognized as India’s third tier of government with the passage of the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act in 1992.

The amendment aimed to give Panchayats more authority and resources to carry out their responsibilities. It also established a framework for delegating powers and responsibilities to Panchayats and their constitutional recognition as self-government institutions.

The Panchayati Raj system has played an important role in the development and governance of rural communities in India since the amendment’s passage. On April 24, the National Panchayati Raj Day commemorates the amendment’s passage and recognizes Panchayats’ contributions to rural development and governance.

Also, read the International Day of the Unborn Child theme 2023.

National Panchayati Raj Day Theme 2023: FAQs

What is the date of National Panchayati Raj Day 2023?

On 24th April 2023, we will celebrate National Panchayati Raj Day 2023.

What is the National Panchayati Raj Day 2023 Theme?

As of now, no decision and no announcement have been made.

When was the first National Panchayati Raj Day celebrated?

Panchayati Raj Day was celebrated for the first time on 24 April 2010.

Why is National Panchayati Raj Day celebrated on April 24?

India celebrates National Panchayati Raj Day on April 24 in honour of the Panchayati Raj system’s contribution to rural development and governance.

Who declared Panchayati Raj Day?

National Panchayati Raj Day was declared by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on April 24, 2010.