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Quiz Shoonya–Zero-Pollution Mobility Campaign in India Answers– Take the quiz and win prize money!

Quiz on Shoonya–Zero-Pollution Mobility Campaign in India

Quiz on Shoonya–Zero-Pollution Mobility Campaign in India: The NITIAayog-sponsored corporate initiative Shoonya – Zero Pollution Mobility which encourages the use of EVs for ride-hailing and urban delivery. Sanskrit’s “zero” (shoonya) signifies the potential for origination and creation. The Shoonya campaign, which aims to revolutionize the transportation industry by making a radical, expeditious switch to zero-emission vehicles, was motivated by this connotation. The campaign is made up of three essential elements:

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Quiz Shoonya–Zero-Pollution Mobility Campaign in India with Answers

Q1. What is the Goods and Services Tax Rate on an EV charger? / इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन चार्जर पर लगने वाला गुड्स ऐंड सर्विस (जीएसटी ) टैक्स

Answer- 5%

Q2. What is the total budget outlay for the FAME Scheme? / FAME योजना के लिए कुल बजट लागत कितनी है?

Answer- 10,000 Crore

Q3. Why is opting for ride-sharing better than driving your own car? / राइड शेयरिंग का विकल्प अपनी कार चलाने से बेहतर क्यों है?

Answer- All of the above

Q4. In what year is commercial passenger vehicle movement expected to double from current levels (in terms of vehicle kilometres travelled)? / किस वर्ष में वाणिज्यिक यात्री वाहनों की आवाजाही आज के स्तर से दोगुनी होने की उम्मीद है (वाहन किलोमीटर की यात्रा के संदर्भ में)?

Answer- 2030

Q5. What are the most important criteria when buying an EV for daily use? / आप अपने दैनिक उपयोग के लिए कौन सा EV खरीदना चाहते हैं, यह चुनने के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण मानदंड क्या हैं?

Q6. Which of the following financial incentives can make EVs more affordable? / निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा वित्तीय प्रोत्साहन इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों को अधिक किफायती बना सकता है?

Answer- Purchase Incentives

Q7. Which agency is responsible for defining technical standards and regulations for EV charging in India? / भारत में EV चार्जिंग के लिए तकनीकी मानकों और विनियमों को परिभाषित करने के लिए कौन सी एजेंसी जिम्मेदार है?

Q8. What is the typical unit used to define the battery size of an EV? / EV के बैटरी आकार को परिभाषित करने के लिए विशिष्ट इकाई क्या है?

Answer- KWh

Q9. What is the subsidy cap on electric three-wheelers eligible under the FAME-II scheme? / FAME II योजना के तहत पात्र इलेक्ट्रिक तिपहिया वाहनों पर सब्सिडी की सीमा क्या है?

Q10. Why are EV vehicles more efficient than ICE vehicles? / ICE वाहनों की तुलना में EV वाहन अधिक कुशल क्यों हैं?

Answer- EVs are more aerodynamic

FAQs on Quiz Shoonya–Zero-Pollution Mobility Campaign in India

How many questions are there is my gov. Quiz on Shoonya–Zero-Pollution Mobility Campaign in India?

There are 10 questions in the Shoonya–Zero-Pollution Mobility Campaign in India quiz.

How much time do I have to attempt the quiz?

Only 300 seconds are allotted to attempt the quiz.

The Shoonya–Zero-Pollution Mobility Campaign in India Quiz is offered in how many languages?

This quiz is available in Hindi as well as English language.

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All nationalities and participants from all corners of the globe are welcome to take part in the quiz.

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The maximum correct answers given in the shortest amount of time will be used to evaluate quiz performance.