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From March 2 to March 4, 2023, the 8th Raisina Dialogue 2023 will take place. The premier forum on foreign policy in India is called the Raisina Dialogue.India’s flagship geopolitical and geoeconomics forum, Raisina Dialogue, is dedicated to tackling the most difficult problems that the world community is currently confronting. Since 2016, it has been hosted yearly in New Delhi. It gets its name from India’s political capital, the Raisina Hills. It is put on by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in collaboration with the Indian government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Heads of state, cabinet ministers, and representatives of local governments participate in the Dialogue as a multi-stakeholder, cross-sector conversation with thought leaders from the private sector, the media, and academia. From its start, the Debate has drawn academics, researchers, students, journalists, and even politicians who are either interested in, or are involved in, the fields of geopolitics, security, nuclear challenges, and Indian foreign policy. In this article we will discuss about Raisina Dialogue 2023 Theme and Date

Raisina Dialogue 2023 Theme And Date

The Conversation will be launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Giorgia Meloni, the Italian prime minister, will attend the opening session as the chief guest. Provocation, Uncertainty, Turbulence: Lighthouse in the Tempest is the theme of the 2023 edition of Raisina Dialogue.

Representatives from nearly 100 nations, including Ministers, Military Commanders, Industry Captains, Technological Leaders, Professors on Strategic Issues, Experts from Leading Think Tanks, and Youth, will participate in the Raisina Dialogue in 2023. A special significance is attached to this year’s tournament given India’s G20 Presidency. A welcome session and opening supper with remarks from the foreign secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra will precede the conference. Mansukh Mandaviya, the minister of health, Sachiko Imoto, the senior vice president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, and Ricardo Baptista Leite, a member of parliament from Portugal, will each provide opening remarks.

Raisina Dialogue 2023 Theme and Date


Provocation, Uncertainty, Turbulence: Lighthouse In The Tempest?


March 2 to March 4, 2023

Raisina Dialogue 2023 Pillars

The pillars of the Raisina Dialogue 2023 is explained below:

Neo Insurgence: Geographies, Domains, Ambitions

The geopolitical reality of today sees the resurgence of old rivalries with new actors. The current age of empire building is being fueled by growing unpredictability in both the political and economic spheres of the world. Populism is becoming weaponized, and the aggressively ambitious are establishing new domains of influence. 

Amoral Mosaic Contest, Cooperate, Or Cancel 

Coalitions of convenience and limited purpose alliances characterise alliance creation today. Post-Cold War institutions are being replaced by inter- and intra-regional groups like the G20, SCO, Quad, I2U2, and AIIB, IPEF. The context is telling: The UN is a talking shop cloaked in anachronism; the WTO, the World Bank, and the IMF have turned into prisoners of their own devices and are unable to deliver.

Chaotic Codes: Sovereignty, Security, Society

Technology has assumed a supranational character, disregarding national boundaries and private property, without the care and responsibility that states and nations must exercise in its administration. Technology believes that its shareholders are the only people it must answer to while using its scary power. In contrast to its early promise of democratising public discourse, new media is quickly becoming an invisible censor driven by ideology as old media rapidly decays.

Pernicious Passports: Climate, Commons, Citizens

Globalization has irreparably damaged the world’s commons in their current state. The effects of the climate disaster are widespread, resulting in a cycle of inequality, exploitation, and poverty.

Grey Rhinos: Democracies, Dependencies, And Debt Traps 

A challenge to democratic institutions has emerged from contrived dependence and disputes. Traditional disputes over land, water, and energy have crossed the digital divide. Information has been weaponized by both state and non-state entities. Debt traps have been created by vanity mandates and white elephant projects, endangering local communities as well as national politics.

Raisina Dialogue 2023 Theme and Date: FAQs

What is the Raisina Dialogue?

India’s flagship geopolitical and geoeconomics forum, Raisina Dialogue, is dedicated to tackling the most challenging problems that the world community is currently confronting.

What is the Observer Research Foundation (ORF)?

The ORF, a nonpartisan, independent think tank, was founded in 1990 and carries out policy research on India’s sustainable economic development, foreign policy, and good governance.

What is the theme of the Raisina Dialogue 2023?

The theme of Raisina Dialogue 2023 is “Provocation, Uncertainty, Turbulence: Lighthouse In The Tempest?”

 What is the date for the Raisina Dialogue 2023?

Raisina Dialogue 2023 will be held from March 2 to March 4, 2023.

What are the pillars of the Raisina Dialogue 2023?

The pillars of the Raisina Dialogue 2023 are- Neo Insurgence: Geographies, Domains, Ambitions, Amoral Mosaic Contest, Cooperate, Or Cancel, Chaotic Codes: Sovereignty, Security, Society, Pernicious Passports: Climate, Commons, Citizens, and Grey Rhinos: Democracies, Dependencies, And Debt Traps.

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