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Abraham Lincoln Quiz: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. He is widely considered one of the greatest American Presidents and is best known for leading the country through its Civil War and preserving the Union. He also played a crucial role in ending slavery in the United States through his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Lincoln’s presidency was marked by numerous challenges, including the ongoing Civil War, the secession of southern states, and the pressure to preserve the Union and protect the rights of all citizens. Despite these challenges, Lincoln is remembered for his leadership and unwavering commitment to preserving the Union and protecting the rights of all Americans. Lincoln’s legacy has had a lasting impact on American history and politics, and he is widely regarded as one of the greatest Presidents in American history. He is known for his eloquent speeches, including the Gettysburg Address, considered one of the greatest speeches in American history. Discover the Abraham Lincoln quiz by reading the article. Find out how much you know about Lincoln by taking the quiz.

Abraham Lincoln Quiz

Q1.  When was Abraham Lincoln born?

  • 26 January 1800
  • 1 March 1805
  • 12 February 1809
  •  9 September 1816

Answer- 12 February 1809

Q2. In which state was Abraham Lincoln born?

  • Illinois
  • Kentucky
  • Indiana
  • Virginia

Answer- Kentucky

Q3. Lincoln belonged to which two political parties?

  • Whig and Republican
  • Whig and Democrat
  • Only Republican
  • Only Democracy

Answer- Whig and Republican

Q4. Abraham Lincoln served as the United States _______ President.

  • 1st
  • 14th
  • 43rd
  • 16th

Answer- 16th

Q5. On what date Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States?

  • 1858
  • 1861
  • 1865
  • 1860

Answer- 1861

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Q6. How much schooling did Abraham Lincoln receive at the greatest level?

  • He had less than one year of formal education
  • He attended Oberlin College but did not graduate
  • He graduated from West Point in 1832
  • He received a degree in law from Harvard in 1834

Answer- He had less than one year of formal education

Q7. When was Lincoln elected to public office for the first time?

  • 1834
  • 1860
  • 1846
  • 1776

Answer- 1860

Q8. Who was Lincoln’s political role model?

  • Henry Clay
  • John Calhoun
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • Winston Churchill

Answer- Henry Clay

Q9. Lincoln thought that Republicans should come together around certain values

  • Devotion to the idea that slavery was morally wrong and should be put on the path to extinction as well as opposition to the practice’s growth.
  • Immigration-related opposition
  • Limiting state powers and increasing the tariff on imported commodities
  • ‘Popular Sovereignty’: allowing locals to determine if slavery is legal in their areas

Answer- Devotion to the idea that slavery was morally wrong and should be put on the path to extinction as well as opposition to the practice’s growth.

Q10. What did Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address NOT contain?

  • …is our children reading
  • …mystic chords of memory
  • …better angels of our nature
  • …momentous issue of civil war

Answer- is our children reading

Q11.  How long did it take Lincoln to deliver his Gettysburg Address?

  • 4 Hours
  • 2 Hours
  • 20 Minutes
  • 2 Minutes

Answer- 2 Minutes

Q12. Lincoln famously said, “With malice toward none; With charity toward all” in which speech?

  • First Inaugural Address
  • Second Inaugural Address
  • Emancipation Proclamation
  • Gettysburg Address

Answer- Second Inaugural Address

Q13. In which address did Lincoln bring up the issue of providing African Americans the right to vote for the first time?

  • The Final Speech on Reconstruction
  • The House Divided Speech
  • The Second Inaugural Address
  • The Gettysburg Address

Answer- The Final Speech on Reconstruction

Q14. Which renowned speech did Abraham Lincoln deliver on November 19, 1863?

  • First Inaugural Address
  • Second Inaugural Address
  • Emancipation Proclamation
  • Gettysburg Address

Answer- Gettysburg Address

Q15. Complete the following famous Lincoln quote: “Whatever you are,…

  • ….be all that you can be.”
  • ….be a good one.”
  • … be whoever you are.”
  • … be it.”

Answer- ….be a good one”.

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