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Last updated on February 14th, 2023 at 01:28 am

Charaka is considered the father of Ayurveda, one of the oldest and most holistic systems of medicine in the world. He lived in ancient India, believed to be around the 2nd century BCE, and was a physician and scholar who wrote the Charaka Samhita, a comprehensive text on Ayurvedic medicine and wellness. The text covers a wide range of topics including anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, treatment, and surgery. Charaka’s teachings emphasized the importance of maintaining balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit, and he stressed the use of natural remedies, such as herbs and diet, as well as lifestyle practices, to prevent and treat illness. Charaka’s work has had a profound influence on the development of Ayurveda and continues to be widely studied and revered today.


Charaka, known as the “Father of Medicine,” was the court physician to the Buddhist King Kanishka when he was born in the early third century BC. His well-known work, the “Charak Samhita,” is regarded as an Ayurvedic encyclopedia.

Even after several millennia, his beliefs, diagnoses, and treatments are still effective and true. The facts about human anatomy, embryology, pharmacology, blood circulation, and ailments like diabetes, tuberculosis, heart disease, etc. were made known by Acharya Charak via his innate intelligence and inquiries at a time when studying anatomy was being muddled with various notions in Europe. He has included descriptions of the therapeutic properties and uses of 100,000 different herbal plants in the “Charak Samhita.” According to Charaka, being healthy is more than just avoiding illness; it’s also about preserving a balance between one’s physical, mental, and spiritual selves. In addition to teaching people how to live healthier lives overall through exercise, food, lifestyle decisions like sleeping patterns or meditation practices (like yoga or qi gong), etc., Ayurveda also uses a combination of herbs and other natural medicines to cure ailments and disorders.

Charaka – Ethics and Notable Contributions

Some of Charaka’s teachings include the following: 

  • You must not consume alcohol, behave badly, or associate with bad people.
  • When you visit a patient’s home, you should use your words, thoughts, intellect, and senses to concentrate solely on your patient and his therapy. 
  • Nothing that happens in the sick man’s home may be mentioned outside, and the patient’s condition may not be disclosed to anyone who may harm the sufferer or others.
  • You must work tirelessly to ensure the well-being of those who are unwell.
  • You need to speak clearly, pay close attention, and constantly work to learn more.
  • Even if it endangers your life, you must not desert your patients.
  • This universal moral code is still as important and applicable now as it was back then.


The Charaka Samhita was written in Sanskrit and was created by Maharshi Charaka. His writings were widely recognized as the foundational texts of Ayurveda. His writings are divided into divisions and consist of 120 Upadhyayas (chapters). The Charaka Samhita was a famous work for two millennia and was translated into various languages like Arabic and Latin. Charaka Samhita was afterward revised by Dridhbala.

According to Charaka, ayurveda is traditionally divided into eight branches, which are

  • Chikitsā-Sthāna, therapeutics
  • Indriya-Sthāna, prognosis
  • Kalpa-Sthāna, pharmacy
  • Nidāna-Sthāna, pathology
  • Sharīra-Sthāna, physiology, and Anatomy
  • Siddhi-Sthāna, successful treatment
  • Sūtra-Sthāna, general principles
  • Vimāna-Sthāna, diagnostics

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Charaka as the Father of Ayurveda

Charaka is considered the father of Ayurveda for several reasons, including:

  • Charaka Samhita: Charaka is credited with writing the Charaka Samhita, a comprehensive text on Ayurvedic medicine and wellness, which remains a widely used reference in the field of Ayurveda to this day.
  • A holistic approach to medicine: Charaka emphasized the importance of maintaining balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit and stressed the use of natural remedies, such as herbs and diet, as well as lifestyle practices, to prevent and treat illness. His holistic approach to medicine continues to influence the practice of medicine even today.
  • Contributions to anatomy and physiology: Charaka’s work made important contributions to the fields of anatomy and physiology, including descriptions of the human body, its functions, and the workings of various organs.
  • Development of Ayurveda: Charaka’s work and teachings have had a profound influence on the development of Ayurveda and continue to be widely studied and revered today. His principles have helped to establish Ayurveda as one of the oldest and most comprehensive systems of medicine in the world.
  • Legacy: Charaka’s legacy continues to influence the practice of medicine and his principles have had a lasting impact on the development of Ayurveda. He is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in the history of Ayurvedic medicine.

FAQs on Father of Ayurveda

Who is considered the father of Ayurveda?

Charaka is considered the father of Ayurveda.

What is Charaka Samhita’s contribution?

The earliest and most reliable treatise on the Indian medicinal system known as Ayurveda is called the Charaka Samhita. It provides useful information on India’s geography, social structure, and economic situation in addition to information on medical disorders and how they are treated.

What is Charaka’s most notable work?

Charaka is best known for writing the Charaka Samhita, a comprehensive text on Ayurvedic medicine and wellness.

What was Charaka’s approach to medicine?

Charaka emphasized the importance of maintaining balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit and stressed the use of natural remedies, such as herbs and diet, as well as lifestyle practices, to prevent and treat illness.

What has Charaka’s legacy been in the practice of medicine?

Charaka’s legacy continues to influence the practice of medicine and his principles have had a lasting impact on the development of Ayurveda. He is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in the history of Ayurvedic medicine.

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