Gondwana University

International Anti-Corruption Day Theme 2022 – History, Significance and Celebration!

International Anti-Corruption Day theme 2022

Last updated on February 14th, 2023 at 02:36 pm

International Anti-Corruption Day is observed on December 9 to raise awareness of the importance of a society free from corruption. We have the opportunity on this day to reaffirm our dedication to cooperating in the fight against and prevention of corruption. Corruption is the focus of the global campaign #UnitedAgainstCorruption, which aims to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The main objective of the day is to end corruption and steer our society toward a moral course. The UN and each of its member states host a variety of occasions, such as conferences, seminars, and plays, to fight corruption. Read the article below to learn about the International Anti-Corruption Day theme 2022, its history, and its significance.

International Anti-Corruption Day Theme 2022

Eliminating corruption and paving the road to a flourishing society are the primary goals of this day. In contrast, the theme for International Anti-Corruption Day in 2022 is “Your right, your role: say no to corruption.” The theme for the next two years is “Recover the Integrity.”

Recover with Integrity to Build Forward Better was the theme of International Anti-Corruption Day 2020. According to the UN, “RECOVER and INTEGRITY” underlines the importance of putting in place strong anti-corruption measures that will result in improved recovery as well as the fact that inclusive COVID-19 recovery can only be achieved with integrity.

History of International Anti-Corruption Day

For a very long time, there has been corruption. The scriptures of the Indian Arthashastra, the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi, and the Great Edict of Horemheb all include evidence for this. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that corruption began to receive greater attention and people began to realise the negative effects of a corrupt society.

The United Nations Convention against Corruption was ratified by the General Assembly on October 31, 2003 (resolution 58/4), and the Secretary-General was tasked with appointing the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) as secretariat for the Conference of States Parties. The Assembly also declared December 9 as International Anti-Corruption Day to increase public awareness of corruption and the contribution that the Convention makes to its prevention and eradication. In December 2005, the Convention became operative.

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Significance of International Anti-Corruption Day

On International Anti-Corruption Day in 2022, everyone makes a commitment to abstain from corruption. In the past two years, the U.N. has started a particular campaign on corruption with the slogan “Recover with Integrity.” The healthcare system’s corruption is highlighted in particular. 

Government and non-government organisations in India hold a planned celebration to mark the day. In order to raise children’s awareness of corruption and how it impacts society, schools and universities organise essay writing and speaking competitions. By identifying instances of corruption and urging people to speak out against corruption, local officials hand out brochures in the open. Additionally, those who report corruption and maintain the privacy of their details are provided assurances. This is yet another initiative aimed at energising individuals to speak out against corruption. Many people plan events in their community to raise awareness of the duties that are placed in the hands of the government and its officials, as well as to inform the populace of these duties. In fact, we ought to welcome and support those who spoke up. We should also demand clarity in how various departments operate. Social media is becoming a crucial tool for spreading awareness, motivating people, and disseminating information from every nook and cranny of the nation, wherever corruption exists.

How to Celebrate International Anti-Corruption Day?

Many politicians, celebrities, eminent writers, leaders of private organisations, and journalists spoke out against corruption. Numerous campaigns, plays, skits, and seminars are organised. While the local government circulates leaflets and booklets in the public to encourage people to speak out against corruption, essay writing, speaking, and drawing competitions are held at schools and universities. 

The UN’s anti-corruption logo can be used on publications and at events, and social media sites like Twitter and Facebook can be used to spread the message. Other ways that governments from all over the world, private companies, non-governmental organisations, the media, and the general public can get involved include organising creative activities, reporting instances of corruption, and using the UN’s anti-corruption logo.Even while it may not seem like much, sharing anything on Facebook or Twitter may have a huge impact on the world, as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge so powerfully demonstrated. If you wish to take more direct action to aid those impacted by corruption, consider making a financial contribution to a charity that assists in providing aid to those in need in nations that suffer from extreme corruption.

FAQs on International Anti-Corruption Day Theme 2022

What day is the “International Day Anti Corruption” observed?

Every year on December 9, people commemorate International Anti-Corruption Day.

Why do we observe International Anti-Corruption Day?

To Spread Awareness About The Importance Of A Corruption-Free Society, December 9 Is International Anti-Corruption Day. The day gives us a chance to reaffirm our commitment to working together to prevent and address corruption.

Who established International Anti-Corruption Day?

The General Assembly decided to commemorate a designated day against corruption after the U.N. Convention Against Corruption was approved by it in 2003.

What significance does anti corruption have?

Unchecked and undetected corruption in the public sector can have major negative effects, such as weakening public confidence in the government. misusing funds and resources from the public. unfairly favoring some people at the detriment of others.

What will be the theme of International Anti-Corruption Day in 2022?

International Anti-Corruption Day theme 2022 is “Your right, your role: say no to corruption”.