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Last updated on February 16th, 2023 at 01:02 am

Every year on November 5, the world observes World Tsunami Awareness Day. Due of its frequent and painful tsunami experiences, Japan is credited with founding this holiday. It has developed significant competence in a number of fields over the years, including tsunami early warning, public response, and improved rebuilding after a disaster to lessen its effects. This day was set aside by the UN to increase public awareness of the value of tsunami education and to encourage communities to react calmly and decisively in the event of a tsunami warning.

The day of the yearly event was selected in remembrance of the Japanese tale known as “Inamura-no-hi,” or “burning of the rice sheaves.” A farmer noticed the tide dropping during the earthquake of 1854, a warning indication of an approaching tsunami. He set fire to his whole crop as a warning to the locals, who then ran for higher ground. Then, as a defence against future waves, he constructed an embankment and planted trees.

  • The First World Tsunami Awareness Day was observed on November 5, 2016, and events involving Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Champions at AMCDRR were held to honour the occasion (Asian Ministerial Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction).
  • In order to ensure that communities respond swiftly and calmly when tsunami warnings are received, the United Nations set aside this day (November 5) to promote awareness about the significance of tsunami awareness and education.
  • The Asia-Pacific region will observe World Tsunami Awareness Day in 2022 with the theme “Early Warning and Early Action Before Every Tsunami.”

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World Tsunami Awareness Day Theme 2022

The World Tsunami Awareness Day Theme 2022 is “Early Warning and Early Action Before Every Tsunami” which aims to raise awareness for early warnings and actions to protect people, save lives, and prevent a disaster from occurring.

World Tsunami Awareness Day Theme 2022 – 2018

2022Early Warning and Early Action Before Every Tsunami
2021Enhancing international cooperation for developing countries to raise tsunami awareness
2020Sendai Seven Campaign
2019reducing disaster damage to critical infrastructure and the disruption of basic services
2018reducing human and economic impacts from tsunamis

History of World Tsunami Awareness Day

World Tsunami Awareness Day was established by the UN on November 5 through resolution 70/23, which was adopted on December 22, 2015. Tsunamis are among the most hazardous and destructive natural disasters, despite their rarity. Since they don’t just harm coastal areas, they have no borders. Other cities and communities inland are also attacked and destroyed by them.

When there is a tsunami risk, coastal towns are the most at risk. Although tsunamis are dangerous, there are many natural indicators that one may be on the way. Strong ground tremors, volcanic eruptions, or exceptionally rapid water evaporation that exposes the seafloor are a few potential causes. To try and increase worldwide understanding of practical measures, regulations, and practises to lessen exposure to this type of natural disaster, international cooperation is essential.

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Over 260,000 people have died from tsunamis in the last 100 years, more than any other natural disaster. The Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004 resulted in the most fatalities during those 100 years. Around 227,000 people died as a result of it in 14 nations, including Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. The world community gathered in Kobe, Japan, just three weeks after the tsunami, where governments adopted the 10-year Hyogo Framework for Action. The first comprehensive international agreement on catastrophe risk reduction was this one.

Even more people are in danger as a result of the rapid urbanisation and expanding tourism in tsunami zones. That is why it is crucial that the world does everything within its power to significantly reduce disaster-related fatalities.

Why is World Tsunami Awareness Day Celebrated?

The goal of World Tsunami Awareness Day is to raise public awareness of the risks posed by tsunamis and the precautions that should be taken when one is imminent. The United Nations proposed November 5 as World Tsunami Awareness Day and made an appeal for international cooperation in stepping up prevention efforts and raising public awareness because natural catastrophes know no boundaries. Despite their rarity, tsunamis can have a devastating impact that claims many lives.

The devastation caused by the tsunamis in 2004 and 2011 has shown how deadly these natural disasters can be. This has also highlighted the fact that the majority of people are ignorant of the tsunami’s early warning signs and the precautions that should be followed when the tsunami or waves occur.

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The purpose of World Tsunami Awareness Day is to increase public awareness of tsunamis and how to respond in an emergency. To raise awareness of the tsunami risk, numerous conferences, discussions, seminars, quizzes, etc. are arranged on a national and international scale. Day of Global Tsunami Awareness is November 5.

The national government should make every effort to provide timely and effective tsunami guidance to the populace. Multiple lives can be saved by early warning signs. They should be taken to safe locations and given access to supplies including food, water, clothing, and other necessities.

How is World Tsunami Awareness Day Celebrated?

The United Nations General Assembly designated November 5 as World Tsunami Awareness Day in December 2015. The Assembly urged all countries, civil society organisations, and international organisations to observe the day annually. The purpose of the day is to spread creative risk-reduction strategies and raise public awareness of the tsunami.

The focus of World Tsunami Awareness Day is on public awareness and evacuation exercises. Every year on November 5, the day is commemorated with the aim of protecting everyone’s priceless life. The purpose of World Tsunami Awareness Day is to raise public knowledge of tsunami safety precautions. Everyone must use good judgement and good practises, as demonstrated in the tale of “Inamura-no-Hi,” to protect the value of human life.

The goal of World Tsunami Awareness Day is to raise public awareness of tsunami warning indications. To identify the tsunami’s cause, it is crucial to study the ocean’s seabed. Ocean mapping activities on a global scale are crucial for identifying seismically risky and potentially landslide-prone regions. In order to map the seas, it is crucial for the governments of the UN’s member states to collaborate.

This will aid in raising public awareness of the precautions that should be taken in the case of a tsunami. Everybody is made aware on World Tsunami Awareness Day, especially those who live near coastlines, that the moment they feel a tsunami, they should run rather than wait for official warnings.

FAQs on World Tsunami Awareness Day Theme 2022

When is World Tsunami Awareness Day?

November 5th is recognised as World Tsunami Awareness Day.

Why do we observe World Tsunami Awareness Day?

The purpose of World Tsunami Knowledge Day is to increase public awareness of early warning systems and protective measures that may be taken to save lives and stop the hazard from turning into a catastrophe.

Why is November 5 considered a tsunami day?

November 5 is based on a true story and illustration of a good deed known in Japan as “Inamura-no-hi” (the burning of rice sheaves), which occurred on that day in 1854. It is based on an actual historical occurrence that happened during the devastation caused by the 1854 Ansei Nankai Earthquake’s huge tsunami.

When did Earth last experience a tsunami?

On January 15, 2022, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano erupted and created the biggest air blast ever seen by contemporary sensors. Additionally, it caused a tsunami that was recorded in several areas of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, as well as the entire Pacific Ocean.

What is World Tsunami Awareness Day theme 2022?

The Asia-Pacific region will observe World Tsunami Awareness Day in 2022 with the theme “Early Warning and Early Action Before Every Tsunami.”

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