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‘Balgobin Bhagat’ is a sketch composed by renowned litterateur Ramvriksha Benipuri, through which the author has inaugurated a character who is a symbol of humanity, folk culture, and collective consciousness. One does not become a saint only by external costumes or exteriors, but the character of a saint is the biggest identity. This is seen in Balgobin Bhagat. He really looks like a monk. This lesson is a strong attack on the caste system and social stereotypes. Keep reading the article and find the Balgobin Bhagat summary below.

Balgobin Bhagat Summary in English

Ram Vraksh Benapuri wrote the narrative “Balgobin Bhagat” for Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 11. The story’s premise is based on a man by the name of Balgobin Bhagat. The narrative spans the man’s entire life and eventual demise. The narrative captures the essence and character of the majority of rural Indian males.

Balgobin Bhagat was a straightforward person who led a modest lifestyle. He has a son and a father. For almost all of his life, Bhagat maintained a straightforward daily schedule. He would rise early, take a bath, worship, and express gratitude for all of his possessions. Bhagat was highly recognised for his ability to perform prayer tunes.

After some time, Bhagat’s son passed away, and his daughter-in-law wished to remain and assist the elderly father. Bhagat, though, advised letting her pursue her happiness and live her own life. The author states at the story’s conclusion that Bhagat’s life similarly ended as he had always envisioned. Bhagat, who lived out his regular routine right up till the end, passed away from old age.

A caring and devoted man is beautifully shown in the story. The narrative also demonstrates a man’s kindness and devotion to his master. The ideals and lessons of modest living can be explored while introducing pupils to a new type of writing.

Balgobin Bhagat Summary in Hindi

राम वृक्ष बेनापुरी ने कक्षा 10 हिंदी क्षितिज अध्याय 11 के लिए “बालगोबिन भगत” कथा लिखी। कहानी का आधार बालगोबिन भगत के नाम से एक व्यक्ति पर आधारित है। कथा मनुष्य के पूरे जीवन और अंततः मृत्यु तक फैली हुई है। कथा अधिकांश ग्रामीण भारतीय पुरुषों के सार और चरित्र को पकड़ती है।

बालगोबिन भगत एक सीधे-सादे व्यक्ति थे जिन्होंने एक साधारण जीवन शैली का नेतृत्व किया। उनका एक बेटा और एक पिता है। अपने लगभग पूरे जीवन के लिए, भगत ने एक सीधा दैनिक कार्यक्रम बनाए रखा। वह जल्दी उठता, स्नान करता, पूजा करता और अपनी सारी संपत्ति के लिए आभार व्यक्त करता। भगत को उनकी प्रार्थना धुनों को करने की क्षमता के लिए अत्यधिक मान्यता प्राप्त थी।

कुछ समय बाद, भगत के बेटे का निधन हो गया, और उनकी बहू वृद्ध पिता के साथ रहने और उनकी सहायता करने की इच्छा रखती थी। हालाँकि, भगत ने उसे अपनी खुशी का पीछा करने और अपना जीवन जीने की सलाह दी। कहानी के अंत में लेखक कहता है कि भगत का जीवन उसी तरह समाप्त हो गया जैसा उन्होंने हमेशा सोचा था। अपनी नियमित दिनचर्या को अंत तक जीने वाले भगत वृद्धावस्था में चल बसे।

कहानी में एक देखभाल करने वाले और समर्पित व्यक्ति को खूबसूरती से दिखाया गया है। कथा भी मनुष्य की अपने स्वामी के प्रति दया और भक्ति को प्रदर्शित करती है। विद्यार्थियों को नए प्रकार के लेखन से परिचित कराते समय संयमित जीवन जीने के आदर्शों और पाठों की खोज की जा सकती है।

Description of the story

Balgobin Bhagat lesson: By the Balgobin Bhagat sketch, Ramvriksha Benipuri introduced a singular character that represents humanity, folk culture, and collective awareness. On the basis of this, the author believes Balgobin Bhagat to be a monk. Through this class, social prejudices were challenged as well as given a peek of rural living. St. Balgobin Bhagat, also known as Kabirpanthi, was a householder. He lived with his son and daughter-in-law. He ran a little farming business. Avoid telling lies or being dishonest and he used to speak frankly. He once held Kabir up as his ideal and sang his melodies. Whatever grain is produced in their fields, they first take it to the Kabir Panthi Math and run the expenses of their house with what they get in the form of Prasad. Villagers used to gather to listen to his songs. Men, women and children working in the fields used to dance and dance during the time of paddy transplanting. In every season of Kartik, Bhadon, winter and summer, Bal Gobin used to charm everyone with his songs.

Balgobin was a religious individual. When his own son passed away, he was at the height of his religious practise; instead of grieving, he wanted to celebrate. He thought the soul had discovered the divine. Virhani found her true love. He goes on to become a social reformer. He lights his son on fire via his daughter-in-law. Following the shraadh ceremony, the daughter-in-brother law’s is contacted and asked to officiate her second marriage. Even when the daughter-in-law makes numerous requests, he stands steadfast. Thus, he is in favour of widow remarriage.

Balgobin died painlessly, in keeping with his personality. He used to bathe in the Ganges to accomplish his daily labour, and he used to be cheerful after fasting for a long time. But don’t forget to leave the name. Two songs from June, a bath meditation, and some farming. He completed the tradition despite falling ill at the end. In the morning, his song was not heard. Balgobind had gone to paradise, as many discovered.

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Author Information

Ramvriksha Benipuri is the author of the story of Balgobin Bhagat as included in the NCERT Hindi textbook, Kshitij. He was a renowned Hindi writer, journalist, and freedom fighter from Bihar, India. He was born on January 20, 1902, in the village of Benipur, Bihar, and was a prominent figure in the Hindi literary world. He wrote several books on various topics, including history, culture, and literature. Benipuri also actively participated in the Indian independence movement and was imprisoned several times by British authorities for his political activities. He passed away on January 2, 1968.

Character Analysis of Balgobin Bhagat

Balgobin Bhagat is the central character of the story that bears his name. He is depicted as a young man from a wealthy family who becomes disillusioned with materialistic pursuits and decides to pursue a life of spiritual devotion. Balgobin is portrayed as a devoted follower of the Kabirpanth sect and is deeply inspired by the teachings of Kabir, a 15th-century Indian mystic and saint.

Balgobin’s spiritual journey is characterized by his unwavering faith in Kabir’s teachings and his willingness to make sacrifices to pursue his quest for self-realization. He faces opposition from his family, who are unable to understand his desire to leave behind his comfortable life and seek a higher truth, but he remains steadfast in his devotion to Kabirpanth. Balgobin’s dedication and piety earn him the respect and admiration of others.

Questions and Answers  on Balgobin Bhagat

Q1. Which traits of Balgobin Bhagat’s personality contributed to him being referred to as a monk while being an agricultural householder?

Answer- Balgobin Bhagat was a devoted follower of Kabir. He always acted truthfully and never said a lie. They never took anything from someone without getting permission. He was referred to as a sage as a result of these qualities.

Q2. How did Bhagat express his grief over his son’s passing?

Bhagat sang a song to express his emotions following the passing of his kid. Also, he requested that his daughter-in-law attend his son’s funeral. He felt that since the soul is reunited with the divine after death, this is a time for joy.

Q3. Why wouldn’t Bhagat’s daughter-in-law leave him alone?

Daughter-in-law of Bhagat wanted to help him. She did not want an elderly man to be abandoned.

Q4. Why did Balgobin Bhagat’s daily activities surprise people?

Balgobin Bhagat’s daily schedule remained the same regardless of the weather. He used to get up early and walk two kilometres to the river to take a bath. He used to sing songs at Pokhar’s Bhind after arriving back from that place. Because of his routine, people used to be astonished.

Q5. On the basis of the text, describe the features of Balgobin Bhagat’s melodic singing.

Balgobin Bhagat’s melodious singing had a magical effect. Due to his magic, the lips of the women working in the fields used to quiver involuntarily. On listening to his song, the fingers of the planters used to move automatically. People used to get mesmerized by his songs even in the night.

Q6. There is a distinction between love and infatuation. Which episode from Bhagat’s life will you use to support your claim that this is true?

The distinction between attachment and love is clear, and Bhagat genuinely cared about his son and future daughter-in-law. He had the option of tempting fate and keeping his daughter-in-law with him after the loss of his son, but out of concern for her happiness and safety, he forcibly sent her with his brother and chose to wed her later.

FAQs on Balgobin Bhagat Summary

Who is the author of the Balgobin Bhagat story?

The author of the Balgobin Bhagat story is Ram Vraksh Benapuri .

What inspires Balgobin Bhagat to pursue a life of spiritual devotion?

Balgobin Bhagat is inspired by the teachings of Kabir, a 15th-century Indian mystic and saint.

What is the significance of the Kabirpanth sect in the story?

The Kabirpanth sect represents the ideals and teachings of Kabir, which inspire Balgobin Bhagat in his spiritual journey.

What lessons can be learned from the story of Balgobin Bhagat?

The story of Balgobin Bhagat teaches the importance of devotion, faith, and humility in pursuing a higher truth, as well as the power of spiritual teachings to transform lives.

What is the central message of the story Balgobin Bhagat?

The central message of the story is that devotion and faith are key to finding a higher truth and living a fulfilling life, even in the face of opposition and challenges.

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